Rajendra Maharjan Profile

Rajendra Maharjan

Rajendra Maharjan

Rajendra Maharjan is a founding member and Faculty of the Just Futures Initiative (JFP), possesses a deep interest in narratives that delve into the intricate connections of class, caste, and language justice. Respected as an eminent writer, columnist, and a keen student of contested histories, Rajendra brings over four decades of involvement in the realms of language politics and social justice issues. His extensive experience in magazine and book editing, coupled with his reputation as a critical political and social justice analyst in Nepal,
underscores his expertise in these domains. Rajendra has held editorial roles at prestigious publications such as Mulyankan monthly magazine, Nawa Yuba monthly magazine, and served as the co-editor of Naya Patrika daily. His editorial contributions extend to platforms like ABC Television, Rupantaran: Samaj Adhyayan Journal, Madhes Adhyayan Journal, www. esamata.com, and as a columnist for Kantipur, a leading Nepali language national daily. Rajendra’s deepening critical engagement with caste-related issues is rooted in his extensive involvement in the politics of language justice and the contested narratives surrounding the production and preservation of histories of Nepal’s diverse communities. Since the inception of the Samata Foundation, he has played a pivotal role in editing and producing a diverse array of materials focusing on caste-related topics. Within JFP, Rajendra plays a crucial role in developing curricula and facilitating learning on Caste, Gender, and Sexuality. Notably, he is part of a dedicated team focused on creating textual narratives that prioritize and amplify the lived experiences and voices of Dalit women. Additionally, his work involves conducting archival research on caste histories, with a strong emphasis on making archival materials accessible to the public through innovative technological approaches. As a core member of a group of intellectuals and leaders, Rajendra contributes significantly to reimagining and reshaping discussions on caste, class, and gender in contemporary society.