Sunaina Arya Profile

Sunaina Arya

Sunaina Arya

Sunaina Arya, a faculty member at the School of Liberal Arts and Humanities at Woxsen University, Hyderabad, is a trailblazer in the field of Dalit feminism. Her academic journey includes the completion of her MA, MPhil, and PhD in Philosophy from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Sunaina Arya is at the forefront of contributions to Dalit feminist discourse, with notable works such as Dalit Feminist Theory: A Reader (Routledge, 2019) showcasing her intellectual prowess. Her research delves into critical issues surrounding Dalit feminism, challenging established narratives and offering fresh perspectives on Indian feminism. With Professor Ashok Gurung, she co-edited a special issue of Caste: A Global Journal on Social Exclusion - with the editorial piece “Theorizing Gender in South Asia: Dalit Feminist Perspective” published by Brandeis University, Massachusetts. Sunaina Arya has delivered public talks at prestigious universities such as Columbia, California, Northwestern, Texas, and The New School, where she shared her insights on Dalit feminism and Ambedkar’s feminist theories. Hailing from a rural Dalit background, Sunaina Arya brings a unique perspective to her academic pursuits, infusing her work with a deep understanding of the intersectionality of caste, gender, and feminism. As a Faculty of JFP, Sunaina is assisting with designing curriculum on critical caste studies, teaching, and research with a particular focus on Dalit feminism.