Curriculum, Research and Policy
Aligned with its ethos of sikhne & sikhaune (learning & teaching), JFP will experiment with and curate learning spaces and frameworks for designing and adapting curriculum and pedagogies for critical caste studies, as well as research and policy on caste questions. To achieve this, JFP has formed several working groups on critical caste studies, caste-class-gender, and caste-gender-sexuality. These working groups will comprise members from JFP’s diverse Faculty, Research, and Policy Team, along with strategic engagements with members of the Global Advisory and Resource Team. In the spirit of collaboration and inclusivity, this initiative values every participant – teacher, instructor, student, or community member – as a colleague and co-teacher.

Curriculum, Research and Policy
Aligned with its ethos of sikhne & sikhaune (learning & teaching), JFP will experiment with and curate learning spaces and frameworks for designing and adapting curriculum and pedagogies for critical caste studies, as well as research and policy on caste questions. To achieve this, JFP has formed several working groups on critical caste studies, caste-class-gender, and caste-gender-sexuality. These working groups will comprise members from JFP’s diverse Faculty, Research, and Policy Team, along with strategic engagements with members of the Global Advisory and Resource Team. In the spirit of collaboration and inclusivity, this initiative values every participant – teacher, instructor, student, or community member – as a colleague and co-teacher.

जेएफपी जात, लैंगिकता, यौनिकता र वर्गीयताबारे ज्ञान उत्पादन गर्ने र सिक्ने–सिकाउने पहल हो । जात व्यवस्था, वर्गीयता, लैंगिकता र यौनिकताबारे ज्ञान उत्पादन गर्ने तथा सिक्ने–सिकाउने उद्देश्यले केही समूह बनाइएको छ । मूल रुपमा जात व्यवस्था र वर्ग व्यवस्थाको सम्बन्ध कस्तो छ, कसरी एकले अर्कोलाई प्रभावित बताइरहेका छन्, यसबारे अध्ययन, अनुसन्धान, नीतिगत बहस गर्न एउटा समूह बनाइएको छ । त्यस्तै, जात व्यवस्थासँग लैंगिकता र यौनिकताको सम्बन्धबारे अध्ययन, अनुसन्धान, नीतिगत बहस गर्न पनि एउटा समूह बनाइएको छ ।
यस पहलमा शिक्षक\प्रशिक्षक\विद्यार्थी\समुदाय जोसुकै पनि एकसाथ सिक्ने–सिकाउने सहकर्मी हुन्छन् । यसमा कोही ज्ञान, गुण, कला र सीपले भरिएका, कोही चाहिँ अनपढ, अज्ञानी र अशिक्षित हुँदैनन् । एकले अर्कालाई सिक्ने–सिकाउने र साथी–मित्र हुने दोहोरो प्रक्रियाबाट विवेकशील मानव बनिन्छ, यो जेएफपीको मूल्य–मान्यता हो ।
Rethinking Caste Globally Lecture Series
JFP is launching a new lecture series to engage with caste questions with reputed scholars and experts globally. Under this lecture series, the inaugural lecture will be delivered by Associate Professor Lucinda Ramberg, Anthropologist, Cornell University on January 6, 2025.