Asmita Badi Profile

Asmita Badi

Asmita Badi

Asmita Badi is a poet and a contributor to the national dailies of Nepal. She is renowned for her fervent portrayal of societal inequalities and the caste system. Harnessing the transformative power of the word, Asmita Badi seamlessly blends evocating poetry with articles on issues around inclusivity, challenging entrenched caste biases and advocating for human rights. A symbol of both rebellion and hope, Badi’s works not only resonate deeply with her readers but also stand at the forefront of the movement against caste-based discrimination.  

Asmita Badi is pursuing simultaneous Bachelor’s degrees in Journalism, English Literature, and Sociology while also actively writing on issues related to women's empowerment, Dalit advocacy, and education. She considers writing her passion, her voice, and her way of fighting for the freedom and dignity of the Badi community, into which she was born. She has experience working as a social mobilizer in Karnali Province and as a political journalist in Surkhet. She is a Founding Member and Secretary of Badi Sarokaar Manch Nepal, and serves as an Advisory Committee Member of the Anti-Caste Youth Leadership Initiative.